What if Trump Wins? How Would Markets React?

According to popular U.S. statistician Nate Silver’s fivethirtyeight.com, the odds of a Clinton White House were down to 65.6 per cent when I wrote this article (on Friday, Nov 4th). Two weeks ago, before the latest e-mail saga, Hillary Clinton was pushing 90 per cent and Donald Trump was essentially done. In the Senate, it looks like Democrats will swing five states blue and regain control. Other prognosticators have similar forecasts. Of course, developments today (Monday, Nov 7th) have swung the pendulum back in favour of Clinton to some extent.

Still, what if Trump wins? Here’s my take on what it means for markets. One things is for sure; tomorrow, we’ll either have the status-quo with a side-order of change, or complete uncertainty: Read this piece online at The Globe and Mail here.

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