Last Update: July 19, 2024

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With the market seeing some broad based selling last week, 3 of 12 tactical indicators are at cautionary extremes after the recent rally. The cautionary signals come from valuation and business cycle risks where 8 of 8 indicators are at extreme readings. Overall, caution is warranted, but technically, the market can still climb a wall of worry. It appears like President Trump will almost certainly win the election following the recent political developments. We expect the market to price in a Trump victory in the coming weeks/months. This should have upward pressure on longer-term debt, which should negatively impact most asset markets.


Risk Level: 94%

Forward based EPS expectations do not seem to line up with the economic realities of the day. Correction risks are elevated.

Enterprise Value to EBITDA

A reading above 90% historically means the average returns over the coming years will likely be well below average. While the market is expensive historically, this metric suggests returns will be well below average and should not be used as a timing indicator, but adds to the cautionary environment. Enterprise value, is the sum of debt and equity capital a company uses less cash like holdings on the balance sheet compared to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciating and amortization. In other words, how much capital is used to generate free cash flow.


A reading near 90% historically means the average returns over the coming years will likely be well below average. While the market is expensive historically, this metric suggests returns will be well below average and should not be used as a timing indicator, but adds to the cautionary environment. The revenue a company generates is less subject to manipulation (financialization) like earnings per share can be and can be a better valuation metric than comparisons to earnings. Many industries have higher margins, so price-to-sales is not a perfect guide.

Forward P/E

A reading near 90% historically means the average returns over the coming years will likely be well below average. While the market is expensive historically, this metric suggests returns will be well below average and should not be used as a timing indicator, but adds to the cautionary environment. Earnings expectations are a key factor for market growth. Analysts are often too optimistic on forward expectations. Forward P/Es historically are 2 multiple points below trailing average. The historic average P/E for US large caps is about 16.5x earnings.Forward P/Es historically are 2 multiple points below trailing average. The historic average P/E for US large caps is about 16.5x earnings versus the current forward P/E of 22.92. Over the past 3-months forward EPS estimates have increased by 1.42%. Over the past month, forward EPS estimates have increased by 0.25%. The rate of EPS change is slowing.

Equity Risk Premium

A reading of 100% historically means the average returns over the coming years will likely be well below average. While the market is expensive historically, this metric suggests returns will be well below average and should not be used as a timing indicator, but adds to the cautionary environment. The equity risk premium is the discount factor investors are paying for stocks above the risk free rate. The inverse of the P/E called the earnings yield plus the long-term government yield is a reasonable estimate. Overall, the ERP increased 3.4bps last week. The yield of the 30-year bond increased 5.1bps. The earnings yield of the S&P 500 increased 8.4bps. The tightening of financial conditions is likely to continue in the short run. But we are very close to fully pricing in the terminal rate of Fed funds and weakening of the economy and earnings should start to balance out. Markets remain on the expensive side, but it’s mostly because of higher rates.


Risk Level: 94%

A reading of 100% historically means the average returns over the coming years will likely be well below average. While the market is expensive historically, this metric suggests returns will be well below average and should not be used as a timing indicator, but adds to the cautionary environment. The equity risk premium is the discount factor investors are paying for stocks above the risk free rate. The inverse of the P/E called the earnings yield plus the long-term government yield is a reasonable estimate. Overall, the ERP increased 3.4bps last week. The yield of the 30-year bond increased 5.1bps. The earnings yield of the S&P 500 increased 8.4bps. The tightening of financial conditions is likely to continue in the short run. But we are very close to fully pricing in the terminal rate of Fed funds and weakening of the economy and earnings should start to balance out. Markets remain on the expensive side, but it’s mostly because of higher rates.

Slope of Yield Curve

A reading near 100% suggests the yield curve (3-months vs. 10-years) is forecasting recession within the next 12 months. An inverted yield curve leads to credit contraction as lending profitability is curtailed. A curve this flat suggests financial conditions are extremely tight. The recent trend has been flatter. Last week, the 3M-10Y curve was 6.1bps steeper. The forward curve is pricing in only modest rate cuts by mid 2023. Powell launched the higher for longer narrative and we expect the curve to remain in recession mode until inflation clearly breaks. This restrictive curve could last into 2024, though the recent banking insolvencies can complicate the FOMCs job fighting inflation.

High Yield vs. Investment Grade Credit Spreads

At a reading near 80%, credit spreads are near extreme low levels and suggest easy financial conditions and a strong economic outlook ahead. Investors are not likely adequatly compensated for credit risks if a shock develops, but this is never a moment in time, but a process over weeks or months. Narrow credit spreads correlate with high business cycle risk when a shock develops. The yield-to-worst (maturity) for junk bonds is 7.67%, which is -0.8 standard deviations below average. The FOMC and other central banks are reducing liquidity and e expect them to maintain tighter financial conditions than equity markets are pricing for an extended period. Looking out, we should expect tighter financial conditions and wider credit spreads until the economy troughs. Over the past month, HY-IG spreads are -13bps narrower. Over the past 3 months, HY-IG spreads are -18bps narrower. Momentum is increasing.

NY Fed Weekly Leading Indicators

Over the past week, the NY Fed weekly leading economic index slowed. The trend over the past month is rising at a slower pace. The recent trend suggests evidence of weaker growth. Growth challenges are significant without deficit driven stimulus. For more details see: We are now past the stimulative phase of the cycle and looking ahead, quantitative tightening (QT) will likely provide a major headwind for risk premiums. The labour market remains the stickiest part of the core inflation push with real assets showing signs of deflation.

Real Yields & Inflation Expectations

Over the past week, real 10-Year Treasury yields increased 3.5bps. Nominal yields increased 5.6bps, while long-term inflation expectations rose 2.1bps to 2.58%. Real monetary policy is restrictive relative to long-term expectations. Short-term inflation numbers remain extremely elevated, while longer-term market based inflation expectations are elevated relative to the range of the past decade. Based on recent curve moves, the market has likely priced in more tightening than the FOMC actually will need to do given increasing odds of a recession.


Risk Level: 63%

We are seeing reversal patterns everywhere on the weekly charts from overbought levels. Historically, we tend to see several more weeks of follow through selling. Longer-term trends are up so expectations are for a correction and not necessarily a new bear market (for now). Recession risks remain high and valuation supports a deeper correction, but this has been true for a while and is rarely a good timing tool.

5-Day Put/Call Ratio
Risk Level: 68%
The Put/Call ratio measures a degree of speculation and hedging in the options markets. A reading around 70% suggests some degree of speculation. Last week, the average put volume declined 2,424 contracts per day while the average call volume declined 3,605 contracts per day.

Speculative Position S&P 500 Futures
Risk Level: 95%
Positions of long only speculators in the S&P 500 futures contracts offers a potential future source of supply or demand. Current readings are extremely elevated and suggests a high risk of stop loss selling. As of July 16, S&P 500 E-mini long only speculators increased their net long position last week by 1,238.1 million dollars. This group of long-only asset managers are as long as they have been since November 2021.
Percentage Deviation from 200-Day Moving Average
Risk Level: 82%
Deviation from trend is a sign of a strong market and a sign of an extreme condition. The current reading is highly cautionary. The 50-day average is above the 200-day average with the trend of the 50-day average rising and the trend of the 200-day average rising over the past week.
AAII Bull vs. Bear Sentiment Spread
Risk Level: 92%
When the percentage of Bulls is well above the percentage of Bears like it is now, the longer-term and short-term risk becomes very high. Last week the percentage of bulls increased 3.5% while the percentage of bears increased 1.7%. Sentiment in the past month is much more bearish than average. The 1-month average reading is 82% compared to the 3-month average reading of 73%.
Seasonal Pattern (All Years) Since 1928
Risk Level: 77%
The 1-Month forward based return is poor. Historically the average return is close to zero. Seasonal patterns thus far in 2024 have been meaningfully off trend. We do not expect seasonal trends to matter too much this year. Clearly, we are facing a unique US election period.
Presidential Cycle (Current Year) Since 1928
Risk Level: 95%
Positions of long only speculators in the S&P 500 futures contracts offers a potential future source of supply or demand. Current readings are extremely elevated and suggests a high risk of stop loss selling. As of July 16, S&P 500 E-mini long only speculators increased their net long position last week by 1,238.1 million dollars. This group of long-only asset managers are as long as they have been since November 2021.
Current vs. Average Volatility (VIX)
Risk Level: 82%
Deviation from trend is a sign of a strong market and a sign of an extreme condition. The current reading is highly cautionary. The 50-day average is above the 200-day average with the trend of the 50-day average rising and the trend of the 200-day average rising over the past week.
Current vs. Future Volatility (VIX)
Risk Level: 49%
Last week, current volatility was 24.0% above the previous week. Future volatility was 2.0% above the previous week. The ratio of current volatility to future volatility is about median. Volatility readings are swinging with the latest headlines. We expect elevated volatility readings as long as geopolitical risks are high.
Percentage of S&P 500 Holdings Above 50-Day Average
Risk Level: 63%
The percentage of stocks in the S&P 500 above their own 50-Day averages is 64.8%, which is 5.4% below the previous week. It is 8.1% above the average of the past month. Tactically, only slight above average. Shorter-term breadth in the past month is weaker than average. The 1-month average reading is 57% compared to the 3-month average reading of 52%.
Percentage of S&P 500 Holdings Above 200-Day Average
Risk Level: 75%
The percentage of stocks in the S&P 500 above their own 200-Day averages is 75.2%, which is 0.3% above the previous week. It is 3.6% above the average of the past month. Longer-term breadth in the past month is stronger than average. The 1-month average reading is 72% compared to the 3-month average reading of 73%.
Breadth-McClellan Summation Index
Risk Level: 66%
The breadth of the market is very good. Most stocks are participating in the advance. The McClellan Summation Index Breadth Oscillator over the past month is weaker than average. The 1-month average reading is 1767 compared to the 3-month average reading of 1988.
Overbought-Oversold 13-Week Relative Strength Index
Risk Level: 63%
The 13-week RSI is near extreme at 68. Caution is warranted. Overall, RSI has much higher efficacy at bottoms than tops. When interpreting the RSI, we are typically looking for divergences. Currently, there is no strong evidence of divergence.